domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

Essay : The purpose of ducation

homer simpson homer books study stressed

What's the real purpose of education? Does it exist because of educating people or do educated people exist because of education? Is it focussed on improving people's own interests or on improving the development of a country because of the government interests? May be it is difficult to know why the government of every country want the education to improve, if it is because of getting in a better position with regard to the rest of countries or if it is a sincere desire to let inhabitants get what they want.
But at the end of the day the purpose isn't what matter the most but the results of the education plan.
Education is a realy important part of many people's life, no matter if someone stopped his/her studies when he/she finished the primary studies or if continued his/hers studies at university.
What you've learned, will always be in your head throughtout your life and it will be realy useful for you to be succesful in many things you'll do.

In adittion, education is a main tool to learn the best way to talk and express yourself, what to my mind is even more important than learning theory or how to solve a maths questions.

It doesn`t mean those things aren't important because both help you to improve your memory or to compare different points of view, what will help you to get your own ideas, opinion and conclusions about different issues.

I must add too that I think education should be a more free choice and that no one should feel pressured to study anyway because I think it is a personal choice and the society, above all your relatives and your friends are always saying you to study because if you don't study a degree you will be a failed person in life.

To my mind it isn't good for no one because every person must do what they think that will make them happy and take them closer to their complete happiness, and there are many people who don't want to continue with their studies, and that's not enough reason to make them feel abortive people.

In conclusion, I think education is a main tool to shape yourself as a person and get your own character, appart of letting you have the oportunity of doing and being what you want in your future but society shouldn't pressure people too much because they are free to chose what they want to do and if they don't continue studying at university it isn't the end of the world.


haha miley cyrus laugh the last song ronnie

A crazy girl, a girl with aspirations in life. The kind of girl who doesn't care about what people can say about her, the one that do what she wants and wants to take on the world till the end.
She wants to continue growing but she still has many mistakes to be made, trying to wipe away the problems and get as far as she is able to .
I must say she is a girl who is self-assured, burst onto the scene and love every little thing of life as if it was the biggest best thing. DO YOU KNOW WHY? Every woman deserves being and feeling this way.


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Everything change, everything has been changing, anything is the same. Everybody is in a constant change, in a change that NEVER ENDS. We are the owners of our lifes, the main characters of a story, the story that is the life. Get what you want, fight, take risks.

Don't stay in doubt about what would happen and just do it. Think less, enjoy more because that is the essence of life,

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Introduction and Conclusion : Bullfighting


Does bullfighting deserve to be part of the Spanish culture? is it an art? or is it just an act of torture and lack of morality? The number of people who is against bullfighting is increasingly in both cases, abroad and inside the country.
But,although many people is against it if it continue existing is because there are still many people who are bullfighting lovers and watch bullfights on TVs and go to the bullring to see it, what do you think about it?

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Summing up, I must say bullfighting is doomed to failure because most of people who like bullfighting are senior citizens and almost all of young people have another totally different and new mentality which is more awared against the animal mistreatment and is closer to the rest of Europe countries mindset.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Friendship or Relationship : What is more important?

People are wrong when they chose to spend more time with their partners than with their friends.
There are many people who set aside their friends in order to spend more time with their partners and, to my mind, that's a wrong choice because you have to ask to yourself who would  be by your side when everything is going bad in your life, and yes, it is possible that your partner will be by your side, but.. what if one day you have a stong argument? who will advice, comfort and help you to feel good?

Friends are the most important thing in the world, along with the family.
Rather, friends should be called family too because true friends are always by your side, as your family,through thick and thin, and that is the reason why you have to take care of them, because you don't have to forget that before your partner who were always helping you and making you smile were your friends. Don't forget.

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

So sad..

sad crying girl miley cyrus

This year, I am living in a student residence in Murcia and there, I met a boy who is from the same town as me. I didn't know everything was going to be so quick when you live with somebody.
When I was by his side I felt like no one else was around but us,
like there weren't any problems in my life.I was happy, so much happy, much more happy than I had never been before. He made me smile at least 200 times a day and I was a little bit blind because I just felt happy but I hadn't realised I was falling in love and that I loved him much more than he loved me.
Most of people told me he wasn't kind to me, that he was always jocking with other girls as he used to do with me.
The thing is that it was true and I started to realise I wasn't the only one for him but even so, I still though he may love me as I did.
It was getting so hard for me to see the way he started to look a girl who live in the student residence and I decided to tell him that I didn't wanted to continue our relationship, not because I didn't love him but because I wasn't feeling good.
Some days after it happened, he decided to talk to me and he told me he couldn't be without me, that he missed me more than he thought he was going to miss me, and we decided to try again in order to see if we were going to be able to be in a nice way together but the thing is that if you say someone to try again, you are supposed to change the things you did wrong before. Well, he continued in the same way: jocking with other girls, talking and flirting with the girl I mentioned before and I continued feeling bad.
So, as I was angry and upset I made a great mistake that made me lose him, I don't know if that was for good or for bad, but what I know is that it wasn't the better way to end.
Everybody in the student residence told me he was feeling bad for me, but I don't think he wasn't feeling as bad as I was feeling during the relationship and as bad as I am feeling right now.
I went to talk to him after all of this happened, and I asked him for forgiveness at least 8 times, I asked him to be friends but he didn't wanted to, at least for the moment. I understood.
What I don't understad is why he show me one part of him and he show another one to the rest of the people because with me he's so cute and he show me that he loves me (when I went to talk to him he was almost crying. Obviously, I broke down in tears) and when he's with other people it is like he is OK. Well, the thing is that last night, I saw him  with the other girl talking and flirting for at least two hours and I couldn't understand what was happening, I still don't know, because she's supposed to have a boyfriend and he's supposed to love me but that's not what I'm seeing. I'm just getting a little bit obsessed, I think. And that isn't good for me at all. I must forget him but it is going to be so difficult for me.


I. The university student's life is the best way to live.

II.Study time

A) In class

1.Learning many things about what you are supposed to love

2.Socializing: Meeting new people
3,Improving your knowledge

B) Out of the class

1. Studying what you like

2.Being free to distribute your study time

III.Going out time


1. University parties

2.Socializing: Meeting new people


1. Enjoying leisure places is cheaper

2.Using public trasport is cheaper

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

Music means being alive

love black and white avril lavigne text quote

There are many kind of songs: the song you listen when you are happy to express your happiness, the songs that make you dance and feel crazy, like there is nothing and nobody around. Just you and the way you are happy, at the moment you are listening to this kind of songs you don't care about anything.
                 The songs you listen to when you are sad are the kind of songs that make yoy feel understood because of their lyrics when you feel nobody is able to understand you and your problems. When you explain to a lot of people what happens to you but you know that although you explain all of the details, no one would be able to stand in your shoes and  know your feelings.

Although we don't realize we are listening to music the most of the time, the reality is that music is almost everywhere. For instance, when you  watch a film or the TV or when you come into a shop or a supermarket.

I wouldn't be able to imagine a life without music, because music keep us alive. When we are in love, when we hate someone, when we suffer disappointments, when we love our friends, relatives and our life. There's always a great song for every feeling.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

Prejudging people

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It's exciting the way people are able to hide their feelings just faking a smile, and the way each person think everybody is happy but themselves. It is happening all the time and we don't realize about it because we are too much self-centric although we deny we are and we aren't able to see more than we see by our eyes.

Imagine it is 9:00 am and you are going to work: On your way you see tens of faces that keep thousands of stories and we never stop to think about it, the quantity of feelings and thoughts everybody have in their minds.

On the contrary, we judge people without knowing them, and not only them, but also the experiences that lead them to be the way they are.

To my mind, it is sad that many people judge other people without knowing them just because of first impressions.
We should take some time in order to know people and just then, we will be able to draw conclusions about them.