lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

Music means being alive

love black and white avril lavigne text quote

There are many kind of songs: the song you listen when you are happy to express your happiness, the songs that make you dance and feel crazy, like there is nothing and nobody around. Just you and the way you are happy, at the moment you are listening to this kind of songs you don't care about anything.
                 The songs you listen to when you are sad are the kind of songs that make yoy feel understood because of their lyrics when you feel nobody is able to understand you and your problems. When you explain to a lot of people what happens to you but you know that although you explain all of the details, no one would be able to stand in your shoes and  know your feelings.

Although we don't realize we are listening to music the most of the time, the reality is that music is almost everywhere. For instance, when you  watch a film or the TV or when you come into a shop or a supermarket.

I wouldn't be able to imagine a life without music, because music keep us alive. When we are in love, when we hate someone, when we suffer disappointments, when we love our friends, relatives and our life. There's always a great song for every feeling.

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