domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Food and healthy lifestyle

Eating healthy food and practicing sport at least once or twice a week can help you to improve your mental and physical health and then, it will let you feel better and being able to face your day easily.

 I must say that it doesn`t matter if you are not used to these habits, this is the moment to change and improve your life and the only thing you need is a little bit of willpower and effort.

Therefore,  you can go for a run twice a week for thirty minutes and not eating meals like sweets, sugar, salt and sauces, or just decrease the amount of the intake of this kind of food, which is not healthy at all, and increase the amount of intake of vegetables, fish and fruit.

As you can see, the effort doesn't have to be a tremendously great effort, and with a bit of willpower you can easily get the result you want in order to improve yout well-being, which will bring positive consequences to your life.

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