lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

The importance of education

Disney animated GIF

Education is a realy important part of my life and of many people's life, no matter if someone stopped his studies when he finished the primary studies or if continued his studies at university.
What you've learnt, will always be in your head throughtout your life and it will be realy useful for you to be succesful in many things you'll do.

In addittion, education is a main tool to learn the best way to talk and express yourself, what to my mind is even more important than learning theory or how to solve a maths questions.

It doesn`t mean those things aren't important because both help you to improve your memory or to compare different points of view, what will help you to get your own conclusions about different issues.

In conclusion, I think education is a main tool to shape yourself  as a person and get your own character.

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