viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

The way fashion influences young people

Most of young people are always thinking about the way they look, looking for a reference, looking for social acceptation, but many of them just find emotional instability.
This is a very current issue because we are in a world wich is full of shallownes and advertising is constantly showing us a patern to follow in order to be "the perfect man" or "the perfect woman".
Does perfection exist? I don't think so.

Because of this, young people who still don't know what identity they have, just flounder and follow certain patterns wich usualy harms them.

I must also mention the influence of fashion on the feeding of each person, due to mismactches between clothing sizes and size. Sizes are the same as before but clothing size is more and more small. Some days ago I went to "Zara Shop" and a "38" size seemed a "34" size.

In conclusion, fashion is too much harmful if people give it a lot of importance, so we must dress as we like and accept ourselves because if we don't accept ourselves nobady else will.

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